Djot command reference

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cargo install simple-ssg

Building Locally

git clone
cd simple-ssg
cargo build --release


Plain and simple static site generator for Djot and Markdown light markup languages

Usage: simple-ssg [OPTIONS] [DIRECTORY]

  [DIRECTORY]  Path to the directory to use to generate the site (not required if -f is specified)

  -f <FILE>                      Process a single file instead of a directory
  -o <OUTPUT_PATH>               Optional output path override. Defaults to ./output for directories
      --clean                    Clean the output directory before generating the site. Useful for multiple runs
      --web-prefix <WEB_PREFIX>  Specify the website prefix (defaults to local paths i.e. `./`)
  -t, --template <TEMPLATE>      Specify a built in template to use (will override a template.html in any directory!). defaults to whatever templates are found in template.html in the directories [possible values: github-markdown, force-none]
  -h, --help                     Print help
  -V, --version                  Print version


TIP: Use the RUST_LOG environment variable to change the log level of the application:
i.e. RUST_LOG=trace simple-ssg ...